
18 Rapidly Growing Evergreen Trees to Transform Your Yard into an Oasis

When in need of a swiftly filling landscape, evergreen trees present an array of advantages. Not only do they provide privacy as standalone plants, but many can be skillfully pruned to shape screens and borders. Their perpetual color and allure all year round make them a haven for birds and wildlife, offering shelter and sustenance. […]

How to Care For and Grow the Century Plant

An impressive succulent exceeding ordinary proportions, the century plant stands out as an aesthetically captivating member of the agave species. Its potential dimensions reach up to ten feet in width and six feet in height, featuring succulent, gracefully arching leaves that come in shades of grey-green or exhibit variegated patterns. For safeguarding purposes, these leaves […]

Top 10 Houseplants That Fight Indoor Air Pollution, Toxins

The season of open windows has officially come to an end. Take a deep breath anywhere inside your beautiful home. Do you know what you’ve just inhaled apart from life-sustaining oxygen? How about: These are toxins, indoor pollutants, trapped in your house. Don’t worry, though. Simply acquire more houseplants, natural air purifiers that also convert […]

The Best Types of Grass for Your Southern Lawn

The Grass is Always Greener on These Lush Lawns When it comes to choosing the right grass for your lawn, it’s essential to consider the growing conditions of your region. Grasses can be broadly categorized into warm-season grasses and cool-season grasses, each with specific preferences for climate, sunlight, water, maintenance, and optimal cutting height. In […]

12 Large and Medium Crepe Myrtle Trees for Stunning Impact

Crepe myrtles come in a variety of sizes, but if you have ample space, we highly recommend going for the grandeur of large crepe myrtle trees. These majestic beauties can create a captivating impact in your garden with their impressive size. During summer, they burst forth with vibrant colors, gracefully arching over walkways and providing […]

The Top 4 Watering Cans for 2023: Tried and Analyzed

Maintaining healthy plants, whether indoors or in your garden, necessitates a reliable watering can. Jen Stark, an experienced gardener, interior designer, home improvement specialist, and founder of Happy DIY Home, emphasizes the importance of assessing the handle when considering a watering can. As you’ll be carrying, holding, and maneuvering it frequently, a comfortable grip is […]